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Our programs include

Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPPP)

Sex is among the most common – and often one of

the scariest, though most important – issues that

parents worry about during their child’s development

between their preteen and teen years. As children enter

middle school, they will be exposed to new sensations

and experiences. Not only are there physiological

issues to address, but emotional and mental issues as

With this new awareness of teenage sexuality come

new health risks that teens often don’t know about.

TTF team is well equipped to address any risks,

questions, or situations as they arise in your teen’s life.

TTF equips teens with a solid foundation of knowledge

and a clear attitude about sex that can help them deal with the issues when they’re confronted withthem.
TTF uses its new innovative approaches to prevent teen pregnancy as well HIV/AIDS and STDs.

Teens & Violence Prevention Program (TVPP)

Throughout their teenage years, children will

be interacting with a wide variety of people,

situations, and emotions. In many situations,

personal conflict between different individuals

may potentially result in violence and/or injury.

As a parent, guardian, or authoritative figure,

it is important to help your teen learn to deal

with their emotions without using violence.

Preventative methods may include learning nonviolent methods to control their anger or developing more efficient problem solving skills.

Demonstrating to your teen – through your words and actions – that violence is never an acceptable form of behavior is essential to your teen's growth into responsible, level-headed young adults.

However, many parents are too busy with their work and can hardly spend time with their children to teach them anything. So TTF designed innovative, efficient communication approaches to help teach them preventative methods.

Teenage Alcohol and Drug-abuse Prevention Program (TADAPP)

Before anyone ever takes a puff, or a hit,

or a drink, there is a decision made – a

healthy decision or an unhealthy one.

Trusting your teen to make a healthy

choice may sometimes be a difficult

expectation for them to successfully


Sometimes making a healthy choice is

hard for your teens because they are tired, stressed, angry, pressured, or infatuated by another person. However, nothing is more important than their health and safety.

Although most schools offer information about the dangers of smoking, drinking, or taking illegal drugs, it isn’t enough and that is no substitution for talking to your teen. Talking to an adult about these issues may often help teens know what to do or say when pressured into making responsible decisions regarding their safety.

TTF provides informative resources to help your teen gain an insight regarding dangerous and/or addicting substances that may put their health in jeopardy and how they can avoid that path.

TTF reinforce these resources with open discussions between teens themselves and counselors regarding these substances.

Other Programs include:






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